Here we met up with the other Guzzi riders who took the
other route, had lunch and
headed back to the ralley camping site to debrief around the BBQ.

On Sunday everybody went back home. Here you see the cabin
we had at the ralley
site and Frank's flex-it sidecar. On the left Arvid's mother.

From Ålgård Arvid
and I went to his house in Stavanger to pack up for our trip to the
cabin we were going to use as base for our trips the coming days.

From Stavanger we took the ferry north of Stavanger and
headed northeast to the cabin,
normally a 10 hour trip which took us 12 hours thanks to me taking all the following
and thanks to a little "off road" detour we made trying to be quicker. The PC800
great "off road" BTW. I have to add that not paved road is "off road"
for me, not being used
to anything other than asphalt or concrete. The next couple of (panorama) pictures speak
