This was the usual service we got. Red carpet and an uniformed guy to fill her up. Then there were the luxureous pilot lounges with TV and flight planning equipment and the free courtesy cars, varying from a beat up pickup truck to a new Saturn. I wonder how they make a profit with these low fuel prices.

We did some other extra curriculum activities beside the flying. We went to Shaw AFB once to visit the pressure chamber. We had to get up real early but fortunately we had no problems with that...........

After a long and educational briefing we had a chance to experience rapid depressurazation and, as you can see, the effects of oxygen depravation. HEAVY!!! Long live euforia....

After we got our instrument rating a new landscape was awaiting us. Or should I say cloudscapes ? This was a very clear day with tropical storm Jerry coming in from Florida. It's high T-storms were visible in the faint distance. In two days more rain fell than normally in the entire month.

It's an incredible feeling to play around those clouds by yourself, indescribable..

The thing you can't see in the photos is that these clouds are whizzing by. With 110 knots you head straight for a white 'mountain', poof right thru and then scrape your landing gear on the underlaying cloudlayer. Everywhere you look there is this white landscape razing by. It's awesome (and addictive).

And it just keeps on changing. This one was neat. Just after we took off from Greenville we escaped the low clouds and got in a clear layer in between two cloudlayers. Between these layers the Smokey Mountains were clearly visible.

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